In the mood for some productive junk drawer organizing?
I’ll be the first to admit, in real life, I am not the most organized person. My house usually looks fairly clean where I photograph recipes and DIY projects, but there are certain drawers and closets that I’d prefer no one look in! LOL!
I LOVE the feeling of everything having a place and enjoy reading and watching organization tips.
It’s satisfying to see stuff nicely put away and organized! Doing quick organizing projects like a single junk drawer or cabinet that takes under an hour is my favorite to accomplish because they don’t seem as daunting!
After binging organizing shows like the Home Edit over quarantine, I’ve been inspired to tackle a few spaces. This sink organizer (pictured above) I shared previously is still keeping things tidy in this bathroom and is very helpful.
Hip Tip: Get motivated to declutter your home using our 4 Week Free Declutter Printable!
My junk drawer needed help next!
Sometimes clutter gets the best of me, and today I’m sharing an example of that. On the left is usually where I keep things like tape, scissors, and typical junk drawer stuff. On the right is the only space I have to store kitchen towels in this space.
The method of just stuffing them in clearly wasn’t working out too well! Ha!
This first step was taking everything out of the drawer and tossing or donating anything I no longer needed.
After that, I inserted a set of inexpensive clear drawer organizers I found on Amazon into my drawer to keep things in there tidier. I grouped things like sunglasses, tape and scissors, eyeglass cleaner, matches, hand wipes, cough drops, and stuff like that together. Now things don’t get tossed around as much, and everything has a home.
To keep my organizers from sliding around, I cut a piece of non-slip shelf liner and inserted it under them, and it works great! The rest I cut up and used under my kitchen bar stool cushions to keep those from sliding around so much.
I love how much more organized and put together this looks!
I wish I would have done this so much sooner, and now I’m thinking of other drawers in my house that could use a little makeover like this with organizers because they are so helpful.
Let’s talk about organizing kitchen towels!
I decided to roll up my kitchen towels instead of folding them into squares like I normally do, and I LOVE the result. I can fit them all without having to stuff them in, and it seems to really maximize space for this drawer.
Visually it looks so much cleaner, and I have found that they stay put and don’t move around as much. I can also fit a few oven mitts to the side of the towels, and this space looks nice now and is functional.
Hip Tip: My cotton kitchen towels from Williams Sonoma are my absolute favorites. They are priced around $5 each but will last years and are so high quality.
A before and after like this makes me so happy even though it’s just a drawer!
I hope you have found these tips handy for junk drawer organizing. Have you tackled and organizing projects lately? Share your best tips with us in the comments!
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